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The Three Images Every Amazon Listing Needs

  • Author
  • Ian Bower
  • Published
  • Oct 27, 2020
5 min

The Three Images Every Amazon Listing Needs

We've said it before on this blog - the human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than words. It's why people do so badly when they have to read the word orange - if the word is in fact the color blue. Essentially it's because you are seeing the color faster than you are reading the word.

Using great images for Amazon product listings is a faster and more powerful way to communicate your features, benefits, and brand. Bad listing images on Amazon have the same effect, but in the wrong direction. You can very quickly demonstrate a lack of professionalism, or miscommunicate the benefits of your product.

How many times have you landed on an Amazon listing, took one look at the pictures (or lack of) and left without reading anything else? I bet it's pretty often. Amazon allows you to have up to 9 images on your listings but they fall into 3 general categories - today we are looking at all three and how to leverage them for greater sales.

1. Product Images

I know - the only thing we are talking about here is product images. Bare with me for a minute. Product images feature your product and nothing else. The product image is what the all important "main" image on an Amazon listing is.

Product images should have a plain white background and should feature your product out of it's packaging. The goal of product images are to clearly show off your product and to show off its features and benefits. Products which have a lot of features will need more of this image type.

I was recently shopping for a new office chair and I was really happy when I could see close up images of the levers, or the wheels or the seat fabric or, in this case, a gem water bottle.

On the other hand, if you are selling something that doesn't have a lot of product features then you'll need fewer of these images. Think about toothpaste or a lipstick, for example, not a whole lot going on in the feature department.

Amazon Main Image Tips

  • Use a plain white background.
  • Do not include any words, information, seals, watermarks etc.
  • Unless the packaging for the product is a significant feature, it should not be in the image (I've sold candles with really ornate packaging and opted to include the packaging in the main image).
  • Ideal dimensions are 3000 x 3000 pixels in order to maximize the benefits of roll over zooming.
  • Crop the image as tightly as possible to the product - this will ensure that the thumbnail looks as big as possible when scrolling through Amazon.

If you don't need more than one product image, don't worry - you've got two more types of images you could use to fill out your remaining 8 slots.

2. Lifestyle Images

Lifestyle images serve two purposes, sometimes at the same time:

  1. Communicate how to use your product (or what it is used for)
  2. Make an emotional connection with the buyer.

If you have a product that requires some explanation, a lifestyle image could go a long way towards helping your customer make a buying decision.

A lot of sports equipment falls into this category, as well as other wearable products. In these cases, having a model interact with the product to demonstrate how it's used can clear up a lot of confusion, and quickly.

On the other hand, maybe your product is very easy to understand and use - but you want to create an emotional connection that speaks to your buyer. Think of a candle, perfume, or coffee. All of these products need to be tasted or smelled to be experienced. Instead of focusing on how you use it, your lifestyle images could focus on how it will make the buyer feel to use it.

The candle isn't really in the woods - Our designers used some Photoshop magic to put it there.

For candles and perfume you could have a lifestyle image of a woman relaxing in a bath with the lit candle on the side, or you could have a woman dressed up with the perfume sitting on the bathroom counter.

When creating lifestyle images of the second variation, you often don't need to have a live model. At Graphic Rhythm Designs we often create these types of images by having a stock image of a person in the background and the product in the foreground. For example - we could show a woman who's feeling refreshed while enjoying a bath outdoors a water bottle in the foreground, as seen below.

Another good example is baby products. If you are selling a baby product, a powerful image is typically a mother and baby in the background with the baby product in the foreground.

This type of image creates an emotional connection for the buyer. At this point you've got a few great options for filling up your design quota. But there's one more we haven't discussed which will round it out.

Summary: Lifestyle Images

  • No model needed - a skilled designer can use stock images to create a powerful effect.
  • Use lifestyle images to create an emotional connection and indulge the customers senses.
  • If your product need to be demonstrated, having a model using it can be helpful for the customer.​​

3. Infographics

Product listing infographics combine photography, illustrations, and words in order to communicate the features and benefits of your product. You can turn either of the previous image types into infographics and use them together to fill out your image slots.

Infographics are particularly useful for products which don't have a visible benefit. For example, think of toothpaste - clean teeth and fresh breath are hard to get onto a white background, but an image of the toothpaste with an illustration of clean teeth and fresh breath is much easier to do - especially if you put words on it like "Whitens Teeth" and "Freshens Breath" (Although both are mediocre copywriting!)

Be careful though - infographics can get too wordy and then you are back to square one. The idea is to use imagery and illustration to draw attention to just the words that matter.

In the image below we use an infographic approach to demonstrate the tangible and intangible benefits.

We draw attention to the secure clasps which are a physical benefit, but also durable construction and comfort which are a little harder to understand through the internet.

We also include a guarantee - which you should do if you offer one.

Summary: Infographic Images

  • Combine with product photos to highlight the tangible or intangible benefits of your product
  • Include seals or guarantees if you have one
  • Describe aromas or ingredients and mention any benefits like organic, gluten free etc.

Now What's Your Excuse?

You've got three great approaches to having dynamic images on your Amazon listings - fill up all 9 image slots with high quality images that convert window shoppers into buyers. If you need help getting the images created, get in touch with Graphic Rhythm Designs and we can take the burden off your shoulders.

Tagged With:

Graphic Design
Amazon Images
Amazon Listing
  • Ian Bower
  • Ian is the owner of Graphic Rhythm as well as other businesses that revolve around design, copywriting and Amazon marketplace selling. He's an expert in communicating persuasively and loves helping business owners and digital agencies breathe life into their projects and ideas.

    He values generosity and attention to detail and strives to make sure these values are apparent in the services he provides and the businesses he owns.

    When Ian isn't working, you can find him outside hiking, camping and spending time with his wife and children

  • Ian is the owner of Graphic Rhythm as well as other businesses that revolve around design, copywriting and Amazon marketplace selling. He's an expert in communicating persuasively and loves helping business owners and digital agencies breathe life into their projects and ideas.

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