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  • 4 min

5 Reasons Why You Should Integrate SEO Into Your Client’s Websites

  • Author
  • Ian Bower
  • Published
  • Oct 4, 2021
4 min

5 Reasons Why You Should Integrate SEO Into Your Client’s Websites

About 70% of online activities start with a search engine like Google. In fact, about 53% of all website traffic starts with a search.

With search engine optimization (SEO), your clients can rank higher for Google searches relevant to their industry. A higher ranking can help them boost brand awareness, website traffic, and more.

Not sure if you should integrate SEO on a client's website? Here are five reasons your clients need SEO. With a strong SEO strategy, they can get the advantage they need within their industry.

Help your clients experience lasting growth and success. Show them these amazing benefits of SEO today!

1. Improve the User Experience

If your clients want to rank higher on search engine result pages (SERP), they'll need to optimize their websites. Google looks for websites that are fast, mobile-optimized, and secure. Google also looks for sites that appeal to its Core Web Vitals.

The Core Web Vitals are a list of user-centric ranking factors.

Google wants to offer its users the best positive user experience (UX). A positive UX across your site ensures your website is easy to explore and use.

Encourage your clients to integrate SEO across their websites to improve the user experience.

If their website is easy to use, consumers will click around and explore. Their clickthrough rates and dwell times will improve. Boosting these metrics could also boost their search engine rankings.

Higher search engine rankings can help them reach more customers in the future.

As part of a strong SEO strategy, your clients will need to use the right keywords across their site. Using the right keywords will help them appear for relevant searches. Your clients can show customers they have the information they're searching for online.

Using the right keywords can further improve the user experience.

Otherwise, consumers might arrive on a page that has nothing to do with their search intent.

Google displays web pages that match the user's search intent (what they expect to find from a search). If the content matches their intent, consumers can find the information they need with ease.

Your clients can show consumers they're capable of helping quickly and efficiently. Consumers will enjoy a better customer experience. They might return for help in the future as a result.

Consider partnering with an experienced design team that can create a website with UX and SEO in mind.

2. Generate Brand Awareness

Once you integrate SEO across a client's website using the right keywords, they can start appearing for related searches. Each time your client appears for a search, they can generate brand awareness. Every time they appear, brand awareness will grow, leading to brand recognition.

The next time that consumer needs your client's product or service, they'll remember seeing the client's brand on Google. Instead of completing another Google search, they might visit your client's website directly.

Generating brand awareness can help your clients remain top-of-mind with customers.

In fact, your clients can use SEO integration to build brand trust and loyalty, too (more on this below!).

3. Attract Quality Traffic

You can't control who visits your website. Unfortunately, not every visitor will turn into a paying customer.

In fact, about 80% of new leads never translate into sales. Nearly 70% of businesses say generating traffic and leads are their biggest challenges.

About 96% of people who visit a website aren't ready to make a purchase, either.

Meanwhile, about 74% of companies say converting leads is a top priority.

Search engine optimization can help your clients attract high-quality website traffic.

Remember, your clients can determine what searches they want to appear for based on the keywords they use within their content. They can create high-quality blog posts to appear for more searches.

Consumers who are searching for products and services online are already in the mood to shop. Your clients might have an easier time generating leads and sales if they appear for these searches.

In fact, companies that blog 11 times a month generate 4 more leads than companies that blog 4 times a month. About 93% of companies say content marketing generates more leads than traditional marketing, too.

Search engine optimization will allow your clients to appeal to their target audience. They can focus on consumers who already want their product or service. Then, they can appear for relevant searches to generate high-quality leads.

4. Demonstrate Experience and Expertise

Consumers might not choose a business if they don't have a reason to trust that business. SEO can help your clients demonstrate their experience and expertise. They can build their brand authority and credibility through their optimized content.

Consumers use Google to find answers to their questions. Your clients can demonstrate their ability to answer those questions.

Once you integrate SEO on a client's website, their website could rank higher than a competing business's site online. A higher ranking can further boost your client's credibility.

Once consumers realize your clients have the answers they need, they might contact your clients for additional help. Your clients will have the chance to prove their experience in the industry.

Brand trust will start to grow. In time, one-time customers can become loyal customers. Your clients can boost their ROI by generating repeat sales as a result.

5. Generate More Leads and Sales

One of the biggest benefits of SEO integration is it's cost-effective.

Your clients can integrate SEO across their sites, then continue creating content to boost their SEO rankings. As they keep appearing for searches, they'll draw more website traffic. Then, they can use a call to action at the end of each blog post to boost conversions.

As they start generating more traffic, their SEO rankings will continue to rise. They'll appear in front of even more customers online as a result.

Then, your clients can start generating leads and sales through their optimized content. Their ROI will improve, setting them up for lasting growth.

Stronger Search: 5 Reasons You Should Integrate SEO into a Client's Website

Show your clients the benefits of search engine optimization! Once you integrate SEO on their websites, they can reach more customers online. They'll generate more brand awareness, traffic, and sales as a result.

Help your customers experience lasting success with SEO services today.

Ready to get started? We can help.

Explore our work today or contact us today to discuss our digital marketing services.

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  • Ian Bower
  • Ian is the owner of Graphic Rhythm as well as other businesses that revolve around design, copywriting and Amazon marketplace selling. He's an expert in communicating persuasively and loves helping business owners and digital agencies breathe life into their projects and ideas.

    He values generosity and attention to detail and strives to make sure these values are apparent in the services he provides and the businesses he owns.

    When Ian isn't working, you can find him outside hiking, camping and spending time with his wife and children

  • Ian is the owner of Graphic Rhythm as well as other businesses that revolve around design, copywriting and Amazon marketplace selling. He's an expert in communicating persuasively and loves helping business owners and digital agencies breathe life into their projects and ideas.

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